
Saints Row 2 ist in Deutschland noch nicht einmal erschienen und schon wird über den Nachfolger gesprochen. So sagte Associate Producer Dan Sutton in einem Interview mit den Kollegen von, dass die Arbeit an Saints Row 3 schon begonnen hat. Weiter sagte er, dass das Spiel in eine neue Richtung gehen soll und eventuell auch das ein oder andere offene Ende, aus Saints Row 2, schließen wird. Ausserdem erwähnt Dan Sutton im Interview, dass es durchaus Pläne für Downloadcontent für Teil 2 gibt. Wir freuen uns ersteinmal auf Saints Row 2 und präsentieren euch nächste Woche das Review zum Spiel.

Hier ein Auszug aus dem Interview:

-> DLC plans for SR2?

Definitely we have them, yes. We haven't announced them yet, but we are looking at bigger stuff definitely. Like we had the ho-ho-ho pack, clothing, that kind of thing, now we're looking at multiplayer maps, another story arc, new characters. We're looking at a lot more scope, and I know we're going to come up with a lot more.

-> So... Saints Row 3 will take a very new direction?

I think so, yes.

-> The last game had a very 'open' ending. Can we expect something similar with SR2?

Well, we knew a lot of people were upset with the last one because they were playing it and it was like "oh gosh, I've got to wait for the next one", but in SR2 we tie-up a lot of loose ends. I think we tie it up deliberately. We've already started work on Saints Row 3, and we have a new direction we want to go in with that which we of course can't talk about. We wrap up a lot in this one. There's no frustration.

-> I heard a rumour GTA cost 100 million USD to develop. Is it daunting competing with that? Have you spent similarly ludicrous sums?

Actually, we're not in the ludicrous! When we heard that number too we were surprised, you know, we thought 'wow, that is a lot', and when we looked out our game we felt we could compete. Now, I don't know if we release budget numbers, I can't tell you what it is, but its definitely drastically less. Its crazy when you have two programmers and they have nine or 10. Our programmers were like, 'wow, we're good'. Its the way things are going, that's for sure. With Saints Row 2 we're definitely going to have to go bigger and badder. Its cool too for us, because if the company wants us to do it we know they'll give us the money...

-> So, 100 million USD Saints Row 3 on the cards?

600 million!


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