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    Erfahrenes Mitglied Profi Gamer Avatar von Bitwalker
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    Standard Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Sammelthread

    najo.. nachdem im anderen Thread schon Fragen gestellt werden, aber eigentlich dort nicht hingehören, mache ich den hier mal auf. Ich hoffe das ist Recht (wenn ja bitte Sticky machen).

    Na dann....

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    Geändert von XBU Valle0204 (05.10.2008 um 23:00 Uhr)
    Viktor aka Bitwalker - Livestreams, Youtube, Gaming, Apple, ...

  2. #2
    aka XBU Assi XBU Legende Avatar von XBU Böhser Onkel
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    Also wegen den Hunden.....du musst kurz bevor der Hund zubeisst RS drücken dann hälst du den Kopf fest und brichst ihm das Genick.
    Und bei einer Mission stehst du mit deiner Truppe in nem Haus und siehst durchs Fenster ein Paar Soldaten die nen Typen (den Bauer) stressen du musst kurz warten dann bekommst du den Befehl die Soldaten auszuschalten bevor sie den Bauer töten.
    Ich weiss nur nicht genau wie die Mission heisst .

  3. #3
    Erfahrenes Mitglied Profi Gamer Avatar von Bitwalker
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    Hmmm... RS drücken ist ja gut und schön, aber das bekomme ich nicht hin. Was heisst "kurz bevor er zubeisst"? Ich liege am Boden, Der Hund über mir und hebt seinen Kopf, ist DAS der richtige Zeitpunkt. Wenn ja... habe ich das im ganzen Game (Söldner) nicht geschafft. Oder gehts nur in einer leichteren Stufe?

    Danke nochmal...
    Viktor aka Bitwalker - Livestreams, Youtube, Gaming, Apple, ...

  4. #4
    aka XBU Assi XBU Legende Avatar von XBU Böhser Onkel
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    Ist schwer zu beschreiben wann der richtige Zeitpunkt ist ich hab immer einfach Rs gedrückt unn zack war der Hund weg.
    Der Schwierigkeitsgrad spielt da keine Rolle denke ich.

  5. #5
    Erfahrenes Mitglied Daddel König Avatar von Damokles
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    Warum jetzt schon 2 Fragen / Hilfe Threads??

    Siehe hier:

    Da hab ich auch schon was zu den Laptops geschrieben.

  6. #6
    aka XBU Assi XBU Legende Avatar von XBU Böhser Onkel
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    Ich glaub er hat einen Thread geöffnet weil der andere speziell für die Notebooks war oder irre ich mich mal wieder?

  7. #7
    Erfahrenes Mitglied XBU Legende Avatar von XBU Razor
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    Zitat Zitat von XBU Assi
    Ist schwer zu beschreiben wann der richtige Zeitpunkt ist ich hab immer einfach Rs gedrückt unn zack war der Hund weg.
    Der Schwierigkeitsgrad spielt da keine Rolle denke ich.

    Einmal war über mir und ich hab ihn abgestochen! Das war aber ein Fehler!

    Homer: “Ich weiß nicht…2 Dollar? Und es kann nur Materie teleportieren?"

  8. #8
    Erfahrenes Mitglied Profi Gamer Avatar von Bitwalker
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    Genau... wie bei den anderen Games EIN Thread mit ALLEN Hilfedingens... Aber trotzdem gut der Hinweis. Diesen habe ich nämlich übersehen

    Ich kopiers einfach mal hier dazu:

    1 - Prologue Crew Expendable - After wasting the bridge crew, follow the team down into the ship. Investigate the bunkroom where the drunk terrorist stumbles out of. Two sleeping terrorists should be inside.

    2 - Prologue Crew Expendable - The team will use a flash bang in the cargo hold (if you run ahead, the enemies will fire and the team will simply skip the flashbang and fire back). At the bottom of the stairs in that hold (the stairs are right next to the hold's entrance) is the intel. It is out in the open and hard to miss if you're looking for cheap AMD laptops.

    3 - Act I Black Out - At the start of the mission, there is a shack to your
    left with two terrorists. Check the shack's interior for the intel. Just a
    moment before, your team should be given the "weapons free" order.

    4 - Act I Black Out - In the building where the informant is (you need to use night vision since the team cuts power to the house lights), check the
    bathroom on the second floor.

    5 - Act I Charlie Don't Surf - In the basement of the first objective
    building, head down to the basement. Check the small room in the basement corner (marked with a Kalashnikov silhouette) for the intel.

    6 - Act I Charlie Don't Surf - After clearing the first building (the
    terrorist training building) and getting orders to retake the TV station,
    there will be some intense house-to-house fighting. Place the TV station
    marker so it serves as "map-north". There is a wide street in front of the
    station; before crossing it completely, head "map-east" (along the main road) and take out a terrorist sniping post. The intel you want is on the second floor of that sniping post.

    7 - Act I Charlie Don't Surf - After crossing the heavily guarded main road
    towards the TV station, there is a building next to the pick-up truck with the mounted machinegun; head up the stairs of that building and check its second level for the intel.

    8 - Act I The Bog - After evading the machineguns and entering the apartment complex, you head up to the second floor. Clear the area of enemies and look for a silhouette of a Kalashnikov with two crossed sickles. Allied NPCs should breach the door for you so you can enter it. If you missed which door was breached, the room in question has a checkboard floor. The intel is in there. Note, if you leave for the next block to rescue the tank, you have gone too far ahead.

    9 - Act I The Bog - After using the Javelin to destroy enemy vehicles, you
    proceed into a street market composed of narrow streets. From the broken
    fence, you make two lefts to a central market that has an upright refrigerator; turn around from the fridge and march straight back towards a wall. The intel is behind a stack of boxes.

    10 - Act I The Hunted - After the enemy chopper detects and springs an ambush on the team, you go into a house that will get flashbanged and rushed by enemies. Once you survive that ordeal and leave the house, you will be in the middle of some farm buildings; look for a dwelling with a Russian soda machine next to its entrance. The intel is inside that building. Note you should get the intel before you encounter any attack dogs, unless you just like killing small beasts and yukking it up with your buddies later.

    11 - Act I The Hunted - After going through both greenhouses, there is a wreck of a building to your left (when you exit the second greenhouse). Work your way into that building and then go to the small section covered by a sheet metal roof; the intel is in there. If you reach the barn to fight off the enemy chopper with Stingers, you went too far ahead.

    12 - Act I War Pig - After your friendly tank runs over the car, check the
    multi-level building on the inner corner (it will be on your right side if the
    objective marker serves as map-north). The staircase is in a multi-use
    building (commerical on the bottom, residential on the top). Check the second floor of the building for the intel.

    13 - Act I War Pig - Check the multi-level building on the outer corner --
    basically across the street from the previous intel. This building's staircase
    is in a dry-cleaning store. Again, it's on the second story.

    14 - Act I War Pig - Right before the enemy T-72, you have to storm a building with a machinegun nest. This nest overlooks a short alley filled with civilian cars. Investigate the second story of the "machinegun nest" building for the intel.

    15 - Act I Shock and Awe - Once you rendezvous with the advance recon team, check the corners of the room they were holed up in. The intel should be on the second level of their building.
    Viktor aka Bitwalker - Livestreams, Youtube, Gaming, Apple, ...

  9. #9
    Erfahrenes Mitglied Profi Gamer Avatar von Bitwalker
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    Teil 2:

    16 - Act I Shock and Awe - After jumping down from the building where the advance recon team was holed up in, check the building directly straight ahead. Like previous intels, check the second story of that building. It's in a closet if you're honestly lost.

    17 - Act II Safehouse - After clearing the forest (which takes all the five
    seconds of your life), check the first building you see -- it's next to the
    church and has a satellite dish attached to it. As before, check the second
    level of the house for the intel.

    18 - Act II Safehouse - Check the building next to the water tower. It is in
    one of the restaurant booths on the first floor.

    19 - Act II All Gillied Up - Atop the ladder in the church. Let the allied
    sniper take the lead so he can open the door for you. Otherwise, there's no
    way in. Get the intel quickly before the chopper appears, or you may not be able to get to it later.

    20 - Act II All Gillied Up - Mid-way through the container maze, a makeshift camp full of terrorists will have intel on a table made from 55 gallon drums.If you want the intel, you may have to kill the enemies if you are not able to sneak by them. Note if you enter the next area and start sneaking under the trucks, you may not be able to go back and grab this intel.

    21 - Act II All Gillied Up - After sneaking under the trucks, you come to a
    building with an enemy sniper on a fire escape. Brain (headshot) the sniper and check the top of the fire escape for a small room with the intel.

    22 - Act II One Shot, One Kill - After downing the enemy chopper, you need to carry your allied NPC to the extraction point. During this sequence, you will enter a building to attempt to lose your pursuers. Fight off the terrorists and attack dogs inside. Once you leave that building, locate the gray fire escape on that building and grab the intel at the top. You need to hurry back down before the timer (or your ally) expires.

    23 - Act II One Shot, One Kill - Carry the allied NPC "McMillian" to the
    Pripyat ferris wheel but do not place him on the highlighted spot on the hill yet; you need to scout around this area so you know where to go once enemies appear and general mayhem occurs. Put the ferris wheel behind your character and look for a side street towards the southeast (use your HUD compass). There should be a non-descript (closed) door to a sad looking Communist Russian apartment building. This door will open later during the firefight (enemies are spawned from there). Place the allied NPC at the spot on the hill and prepare for hordes of enemies. Once enemy choppers appear to fast-rope troops, the aforementioned door will be open. Head into that room now and grab the intel on the floor. If you are having difficulty grabbing this intel, you can always stage select and use the easiest (Recruit) difficulty to survive the enemy onslaught.

    24 - Act II Sins of the Father - After securing the diner, you will enter a
    Russian diner. Immediately check the tables to your left (upon entering) to grab the intel. Once the screen fades for "uniform change", you cannot get this intel.

    25 - Act II Sins of the Father - After the target flees into a Russian
    village, the team stays behind to do rear guard while you pursue the target into a side alley. Your chase leads to an area which is covered by several snipers and many terrorists on the ground. A red dumpster and a green car signifies where you can go left (suicide) or right (flanking route). Take a right at that fork and look for a side staircase leading up to a house room. A few terrorists will be in there (it is a kitchen of sorts). The intel is on the table. Grab it quickly and continue your pursuit.

    26 - Act III Ultimatum - After destroying the power tower, your team will
    infiltrate a Russian base. Pass through the breach in the wall and follow the allied NPCs through the motor pool. Across the base's courtyard, there is a large room where a majority of the enemies will come from (it's basically their spawn point). Fight into it and turn right. The intel is in a small partition to the side.

    27 - Act III All In - After destroying the first enemy BMP but before going
    past the silo's gate, check the alleyway behind the building to the gate's
    right. The intel is at the end of the alley by some weapons.

    28 - Act III All In - Once inside the silo base, there are three missile tanks
    (not BMPs - those are your targets) parked in the base. Align your map with compass (true) north and use your main HUD compass to identify the
    southernmost missile tank. South of that missile tank, there are three
    buildings on your map (when you pause and check your mini-map). Investigate the center southern building (it will be an army warehouse) for intel just lying on the floor. Quickly grab it and get out of there before the enemy choppers shred everything.

    29 - Act III No Fighting in the War Room - Follow the ally NPC "Price" and
    drop into the locker/shower/bathroom facilities. Exit that area and you find
    you can take the left or right; take the left route so you come across a
    darkened meeting room when the hallway starts to angle (the right goes to the base's kitchen and is a longer way around). The intel is inside the dark meeting room (left route).

    30 - Act III No Fighting in the War Room - Once you breach the wall to get into the launch control room, go straight ahead, up the stairs to your left, and look for a small meeting room that has the intel on a table within. Time should be tight, but a checkpoint occurs just before blowing the wall, giving you (technically) infinite chances to re-attempt your search. Note you can probably abort the launch and then grab the intel, if time is really tight.

    Danke Damokles!
    Viktor aka Bitwalker - Livestreams, Youtube, Gaming, Apple, ...

  10. #10
    Ex-XBU-Team XBU Legende Avatar von XBU Valle0204
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    Also Hunde:
    Wenn er dich angreift warte kurz irgendwann kommt das RS Symbol auf den Bildschirm dann schnell drücken dann klappt das. Der Bauer ist in der Mission wo du mim Heli abstürtzt. In der Mission kommen später auch Hunde.

    ARGH ich häng seit eineinhalb Stunden im TV Center auf Veteran.- Mich killen immer die Granaten von dennen=( Irgendjemand ne gute Position o.ä.?

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